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                Welcome to JECO(QROUP)LTD.!

                At the beginning of its establishment, the group focused on R & D level and technical capability; in recent years, it has increased investment in R & D and is committed to maintaining and developing the leading position of the company.

                The group has a processing synthesis, pigment and preparation of prefabricated test room, and paint application development room, plastic coloring application development room, ink application R & D room was established according to different applications, to support for different industries and professional oriented product development.

                The direction of technology development, adhere to the independent development of Hong Jie to strengthen cooperation, in independent innovation, and strengthen the domestic and foreign experts, scholars, scientific research institutions, exchanges and cooperation between, to achieve inclusive, and maintain the leading technology level.

                We have a domestic first-class scientific research equipment, facilities and advanced information management system, 2006, because of our strong R & D center technology research and development capabilities, was awarded the "technology center" Shanghai Shanghai enterprise title.

                The most cutting-edge R & D center always stand in the market, continue to explore innovative products that meet customers increasing market demand, solve the technical problems encountered in actual users, provide support to pre-sales consulting solutions, application of customer service for customers, so as to create value for partners of the service concept.

                Copyright©Hebei JECO(GROUP) LTD Ji ICP preparation 12011495 Technical support:xiongshangkeji