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                Welcome to JECO(QROUP)LTD.!

                Responsibility Concept

                Enterprise mission refers to the role and responsibility that enterprises undertake in social and economic development. Enterprise is the basic nature and reason to exist, that companies operating in the area, business ideas, provide the basis for the development and establishment of strategy for the business goals of the enterprise, in the formulation of strategies, must first confirm the corporate mission. The mission of an enterprise is actually the orientation of the existence of an enterprise. It is the philosophical orientation of enterprise production and management, that is, the management concept. The image positioning of enterprise production and management.


                Mission Of Social Responsibility

                Responsible for shareholders, asset appreciation, stable returns; responsible for customers, service-oriented, integrity protection; responsible for employees, career planning, live and work; responsible for the society, back to society, build the country.

                Copyright©Hebei JECO(GROUP) LTD Ji ICP preparation 12011495 Technical support:xiongshangkeji