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                Welcome to JECO(QROUP)LTD.!

                A wide range of varieties

                phthalocyanine pigmentAzo pigmentBenzimidazolidone PigmentquinacridoneIsoindoline DPP Carbazole violetIt covers red, yellow, blue, green, purple and orange.

                China Organic Pigment Standard Maker

                National Standard for Phthalocyanine Green G National Standard for Phthalocyanine Blue BPhthalocyanine Blue PB15:0 Industry Standard Phthalocyanine Blue PB15:3 Industry Standard Phthalocyanine Blue PB15:2 Industry Standard Phthalocyanine Blue PB15:4 Industry Standard Pigment Yellow PY83 Industry Standard Pigment Purple PV23 Industry Standard Pigment Yellow PY139 Industry StandardPigment Yellow PY154 Industry StandardPigment Red PR122 Industry Standard Pigment Thermal Resistance Test Standard in Plastic ProcessingTest Standard for Dispersibility of Pigments in Plastic Processing

                Wide international coverage and marketing network

                The United States, Canada, South American countries, Japan and Korea, Southeast Asia, Middle East and European countries

                Wide international coverage and marketing network

                Continuously improve the dispersibility of pigments with 30 years of pigments dispersing technology, making it easier for users to use.

                Continuous improvement of powdery pollution of pigments and operation environment

                LCD screen coloring for mobile phones, televisions, computers, etc.

                Strong technical force

                Reliable technical support to help you solve problems encountered in use

                Provide you with professional solutions and technical information

                Guarantee the stability and controllability of products

                It not only gathers the pigment products themselves, but also includes environmental protection, innovation and sustainable development.

                Customized for you

                When you can't find the right product in the market, we can customize it for you.

                When problems arise with your existing products, we can help you to check the bid.

                When your new project needs pigmentation, we can help you dock.

                When you want to improve product quality and cost performance, we can help you improve.

                Custom hotline:021-68726669

                Copyright©Hebei JECO(GROUP) LTD Ji ICP preparation 12011495 Technical support:xiongshangkeji