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                Welcome to JECO(QROUP)LTD.!

                Coating Engineer 17-Nov-Wed

                Job requirements:

                Age is not limited, qualification certificate or five years experience is preferred.

                Post responsibility:

                1. Responsible for product application formulation development and optimization;

                2, to provide customers with pre-sales, sale, after sales technical support;

                3. Be familiar with the formula, performance and use of various paints and coatings.

                Chemical Engineer 17-Nov-Wed

                Job requirements:

                Responsible for the optimization of iron oxide formula to solve the process and technical problems in the oxidation process.

                Post responsibility:

                Engaged in professional technical work for more than 5 years, and can independently solve related technical problems, professional technical achievements are preferred

                Senior foreign trade salesman 17-Nov-Wed

                Job requirements:

                1, responsible for the development of overseas market development plan, approved by the company after the implementation of the organization;

                2, develop new customers, promote the company brand, establish a good image of the company;

                3, responsible for customer maintenance.

                Post responsibility:

                1, five years of foreign trade work experience;

                2, small language priority;

                3. Good communication and negotiation skills.

                Copyright©Hebei JECO(GROUP) LTD Ji ICP preparation 12011495 Technical support:xiongshangkeji