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                Welcome to JECO(QROUP)LTD.!

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                  JECO(GROUP) LTD was established

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                  Providing pigment service for enterprises

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                  Covering many provinces and cities nationwide

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                  Global countries and regions

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                  Project research results

                The Jeco group was founded in 1987. In the past 30 years, Jeco has been adhering to the development philosophy of "contributing to the contribution of human society and creating value for partners", striving to strive for excellence and developing into one of the largest high-performance organic pigment and easy to disperse pigment manufacturers in China. The products include six major colors, such as red, yellow, blue, green, purple and orange, and more than 100 varieties. They are widely used in coatings, ink, plastic, liquid crystal imaging and other industries. The company is headquartered in Hebei Cangzhou port chemical industrial park, covers an area of 400 thousand square meters, with a provincial technology center, the provincial high-tech enterprises, well-known trademarks, brand-name products, China ten famous brand of organic pigments and so on, the establishment of Shanghai Jie Hong new Mstar Technology Ltd in Shanghai, have a wide range of marketing channels in the world. Jie Hong pigment has accumulated many patents, technical advantages and rich experience in the organic pigment industry for many years, especially in the proprietary technology of pigment dispersal, so as to provide users with an applicable, better and precise product experience. Relying on all kinds of technology of R & D center, and cooperation mechanism with domestic and foreign professional research institutions and upstream and downstream enterprises, we will provide more and more updated new products and technologies, and provide customized solutions for special needs to enhance user value. With the perfect testing instruments and methods of all kinds of simulation applications, the quality stability is ensured according to the actual application requirements of the customers. Jie Hong's pigments focus on environmental protection, continue to invest in new environmental protection equipment and process methods, meet the national requirements for various indicators, protect the harmonious coexistence between enterprises and communities, and provide users with sustainable supply protection. We are committed to becoming world-class suppliers of pigments and products, and by doing our best to become the most trusted and respected partners of the users. With standardized, efficient management and professional management team, to create outstanding achievements and contribute to social progress.

                Copyright©Hebei JECO(GROUP) LTD Ji ICP preparation 12011495 Technical support:xiongshangkeji