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                Welcome to JECO(QROUP)LTD.!

                Easy to disperse pigment solution

                Easily dispersible pigments are surface-modified organic pigments. Additives to the pigment surface are added during the standard manufacturing process for pigment reprocessing. Therefore, there is no need to add extra steps to this process. These widely available high efficiency additives promote the wetting and separation of pigment particles in the dispersion process to achieve optimal additive levels for all easily dispersible pigment surfaces.


                Counseling hotline:021-68726669

                Detailed description

                Easily dispersible pigments are surface-modified organic pigments. Additives to the pigment surface are added during the standard manufacturing process for pigment reprocessing. Therefore, there is no need to add extra steps to this process. These widely available high efficiency additives promote the wetting and separation of pigment particles in the dispersion process to achieve optimal additive levels for all easily dispersible pigment surfaces.

                Therefore, easily dispersible pigments can be dispersed by a high speed disperser without the need for a conventional sanding step.By simplifying the dispersion step, easily dispersible pigments can significantly improve the ecological footprint of the pigment manufacturing process. Reduced processing time leads to increased production capacity while reducing electricity consumption and wastewater generation.Using easily dispersible pigments not only simplifies the process, it also helps to increase eco-efficiency and production flexibility.




                Copyright©Hebei JECO(GROUP) LTD Ji ICP preparation 12011495 Technical support:xiongshangkeji